Come! Come! (Eat! Eat) I looked at the small brown seed in my hand, doubtful that this was something humans would consume willingly. But Catato, our guide eagerly gestured to his mouth, signaling me to have a taste. Luckily, I was trying a cacao seed, nothing too out of the ordinary and the bitterness seeped […]
Activities and tours Costa Rica
Hacienda Baru in Dominical: Nature, Adventure and Eco-Lodge
When it comes to wildlife watching and nature adventures, the Central and South Pacific of Costa Rica reigns as top place for these activities. Due to the wet rain forest that starts at Carara National Park, the biodiversity increases greatly with a plethora of thriving flora and fauna unlike any other place in the country. […]
Visit Finca 6 to Learn About the Mysterious Stone Spheres in Costa Rica
300+ stone spheres, of near perfect roundness and symmetry currently form the basis of one of Costa Rica’s biggest mysterious. Since their discovery in 1940 on Isla del Caño and the Disquis Delta, these stones have posed two very important questions regarding the indigenous communities in pre-Columbian times. Why did they create these stones and […]
Heredia Cultural Tour: Masks, Markets and Museums
Costa Rica is a fairly young country with less than 200 years, so it isn’t exactly the first choice for visitors who are big history buffs, especially as the nature captures most of the spotlight. However, the Central Valley cities hold a great deal of cultural importance as they are where most of the 4.8 […]
Los Chorros Waterfalls: Fun and Cheap Daytrip in Grecia
Grecia is the perfect place for those looking to experience a small local town in the Central Valley, just 45 minutes from the country’s capital. Grecia’s location up in the mountains offers a wonderful playground full of forests, rivers and waterfalls, including these two beautiful waterfalls: the Los Chorros waterfalls. If you’re looking for a […]
Hiking San Pedrillo and Sirena Station in Corcovado National Park
Named as one of the bio-diverse spots on earth, Corcovado National Park attracts nature and wildlife lovers from around the world. As the crown jewel of Costa Rica’s national parks, the government works hard to preserve the natural environment and maintain the lowest amount of disturbance possible while allowing visitors to hike, camp and view […]